All of us with our flight plans.
Back Row: Sister Patolo, Sister Temwaaka, Elder Wooden, Sister Ramsey
Bottom Row: Me, Sister Johnson,Sister Carter, Elder Williamson
A lot has happened this week so I am
excited to tell you.
Ok so Tuesday night I went
to choir practice, for the devotional that night, and it became obvious that we
were having a very special guest. Besides the choir director explicitly
telling us that we had an amazing speaker that night, he wanted us to sing for the
occasion and was directing us with the spirit.
We sang "Nearer My God to
Thee," which is already one of my favorite hymns but with some background
about it and his testimony, he gave it so much more meaning. I had no
idea, but the song is about Jacob and Esau selling his birthright for a bowl of
pottage. He told the entire story like I had never heard or studied
before (and I urge you to read it again: it starts in Genesis 25).
Anyway everyone was so engaged
in the story, and then he talks about how after Jacob received the blessing
from his father, his mom told him to run away into the forest before Esau came
back to kill him. He ran with no belongings into the wilderness, with a
rock for a pillow. That night he has a dream that he climbs up a ladder
into Heaven with angels surrounding him. The choir director said that one
of the G.A.'s (can't remember which one) explained that he was receiving his
endowments. Jacob wakes up and feels that place is so spiritual that he
dedicates it and calls it Bethel.
Anyway, I developed a much deeper
love for the song and the simple, yet profound lyrics. Singing it with
the MTC choir is an incredible experience. When we sang the climax, with
like 6 different harmonies, chills ran down my spine. It was so powerful
and the spirit was so strong. And it set the stage for... guess
who...Elder Bednar!! AGAIN!!! He was the last person that I expected to walk
into the room because we didn't think that we would be getting another G.A.
speaking to us, but he JUST CAME on Christmas.
It was amazing and there was gasp
across the room when he walked in. Such an incredible surprise. He
said that when he came to speak on Christmas, he received around 1,000
questions from missionaries across the world. So him and his wife
prepared to answer what they thought were some of the most important and
heartfelt questions.
It was amazing. He is
definitely one of, if not my favorite apostle now. Wowzaaaas. They
definitely had a theme of faith going. He stressed that Belief does not
require action, but faith DOES. It isn't faith if you know beforehand the
outcome. You must act and then power comes after. I am trying to
strengthen my faith in Jesus Christ and that sa pamamagitan Siya, at pagbabayad-Sala
niya (through him and his atonement) I can become the missionary that I want to
become. I can bring others to Christ and fulfill my purpose.
Another thing that I loved that he
said was, if you ever get into any situation where you don't know what to say
on your mission, you feel tongue tied or like you don't know how to answer a
question, he said that you should bear testimony of the restoration of the
gospel of Jesus Christ through Joseph Smith. Nothing brings the spirit
more. He also bore his own testimony about the truthfulness of the Book
of Mormon and the spirit was so thick, you couldn't miss it.
Later that evening, we had a
devotional within my little 8 person district, and I did that very thing.
I bore my testimony of the restoration and I could feel the truthfulness
of it in my soul. I know that it is true - the gospel of Jesus Christ has
been restored again on Earth.
Anyway, the next day I was so excited
to host the incoming missionaries at the MTC, but unfortunately I was experiencing
some health problems. I have always considered myself blessed with good
health and when I heard of other missionaries having health problems I felt
sorry for them, but never really put myself in that situation. I ended up
having to leave the MTC to go see a specialist and it was definitely a trial of
my faith. He said that I would possibly have to stay at the MTC for
another 2 or 3 weeks which was the last thing that I wanted to hear. I
was feeling pretty down, but I just remembered that I need to have faith in
Heavenly Father and His plan for me. His plan is perfect. My
teacher wrote me a note sharing her own experience - when she was in the MTC,
she had to home for about 5 months to get surgery on her leg. She gave me
some scriptures and bore her testimony. It helped a lot. Now,
everything looks good and I will be leaving with everyone else Monday,
January 27th!!!! I am so grateful and excited to embark to the Philippines.
I didn't get to host any of the new missionaries, but I will be able to
next week! :)
Me & Sister Temwaaka |
Later that day, Sister Temwaaka and I
were sitting in the classroom studying with everyone else and she kept leaning
over and telling me that she wanted biscuits. I told her that we could
get some right before dinner but I didn't really know what she was talking
about. Ha she left the room quickly, I finished what I was writing, and
then I went out after her assuming that she went to the bathroom (she will
leave without me a lot and I will have to go chasing her, because you need to
stay with your companions always). I looked everywhere for her and
couldn't find her. I started panicking. I went back to the
classroom and everyone said I should just wait a few more minutes. Five
minutes later, Sister Temwaaka came huffing and puffing through the door with
two big packages of oreos in her hand. SHE WENT TO THE STORE across
campus without me!!!! I was so shocked. She just really wanted biscuits!
AKA oreos ahahhaha I felt so bad but everyone couldn't stop laughing. It
was so funny. I told her that we really need to stay together, so I don't
think that will happen again. Haha it was hilarious.
Another funny thing that happened
after we went to the Temple last Monday...I told you about the protester who
screams at us the whole time we walk to the temple right? He is yelling
at us about how we aren't Christian and things like that...kneeling down and
screaming. Anyway, we went back to class later that day and Brother
Langer was teaching and someone brought up the protester. Sister Temwaaka
started imitating him and said in a loud low voice, raising her hands above her
head, "I love you Jesus!!!" It was so unexpected and all of us
couldn't help but burst out laughing. My teacher seriously could not stop
laughing. You know that if you can get Brother Langer to start laughing
then you have done a good job. She didn't really know it wasn't very
appropriate but it was totally fine. We just laughed it off, but I had
tears in my eyes.
She is seriously the best though.
Such a good example to me and sometimes her advice is so simple, but wise
and powerful. One day, I was feeling frustrated, and we weren't
communicating very well. I pulled her aside and we were talking about it
and she said, don't be sad. Just forget about it, take it, and throw it
away. And she motioned in the air like she was grabbing something from
her head (the problem, and then throwing it away behind her). It's true,
you can't let something get you down. You just need to put it out of your
mind and move on. She said that she thinks sometimes, "Satan try to
separate us, so sometimes I hate you. But then I take it, throw it away,
and I love you!!" Haha you'll always have, even small issues in your
companionship, but we always work through it and we love each other a lot.
We are both so sad that we only have 7 more days together:( I hope
that her next companion takes good care of her and helps her with the language.
We have been working a little bit
better together in our lessons, and we committed challenging Toni, our strict
Catholic investigator, to baptism. It felt awesome, even though I know
that it is all fake. I can't imagine what it will really feel like in the
The new district came into our zone
and they are ALL ELDERS. Nuts. Haha but they are the best Elders.
So dedicated and driven. Mabuting Mabuting mga halimbawa sila para
sa akin. They are amazing examples to me.
Me, Sister Carter, Sister Patolo, & Sister Johnson. |
Sister Patolo, me, and one of the new
elders decided to sing together on Sunday. We ended up singing
"Nearer My God To Thee" again. We couldn't find someone to
accompany, and so we decided to sing lahat acapella. We practiced in our
building in the stairwell because it has a little bit better acoustics, and I
have to admit that our voices blended really well. The Elder has a really
nice deep voice. Anyway, we were practicing really fast, and all of a
sudden other Elders on the floor below started singing with us in another
language. Then another Sister came and was singing with us Sa Tagalog and
pretty soon there were 15 Elders and Sisters all singing together in different
languages. It was such a cool experience and just put a smile on my face.
I love music so much - it is one of the things that I miss the very most
and it brings the spirit so strong. We sang it in sacrament and it went
well I think. I also had to give a talk in Tagalog!! Haha I was pretty
nervous!! I think I had a good poker face because I asked everyone if they
could tell I was nervous and they couldn't. But one of the presidency came
up to me afterwards and said he could see my skirt shaking in the back.
He said I was having the Nephites behind the stand (my knees shaking back
and forth fighting each other). Haha I tried to cover it though!! So
My teachers told me they are happy with
my progress in the language, that I have the grammar down, but I just need to
work on increasing my vocab. So that is good news but I know that I still
have a long way to go! I will just keep working hard but hopefully being
immersed in the Philippines it will become easier to master. It is still
frustrating and difficult but I know that through Jesus Christ I can do it in
order to love and serve the maraming mga tao sa Pilipinas (many people in the
Anyway, last thing I will tell you about
is last night. Sheri Dew came to speak with us and it was amazing.
She asked, are we exercising our agency to allow the spirit to
communicate to us? It felt like her talk was directed at me. One of
the biggest things that I am trying to work on my ability to recognize and act
on the spirit and personal revelation. As she put it last night, I am
trying to become fluent in the language of personal revelation. I hope to
continue to develop that ability so that I can best invite others unto Christ.
This morning we went to the temple
and saw the new movie. I actually loved it. It's different, but
they're all the same.. ya know? I liked it and the spirit was strong.
I love and think about pamilya ko all
the time. You are always in my prayers. I am so happy to hear about
all the amazing things that are happening at home.
Love you!!
Sister Haley Rasmussen
P.S. I memorized the first
vision sa Tagalog. Only me and another sister did it in our district.
I feel pretty cool. But I'm not getting prideful. Love you:)