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Sister Japus, Sister Keleher, Sister Maagad, & Me |
beloved family....
a beautiful week full of life lessons and miracles. I am so grateful that
I am STILL a missionary. I get sad thinking how the time is flying and
will soon be gone, but I know that I just need to make the best of every day
and learn all that I can.
Well.... on
Monday I was having a hard time, but then when we got home, Sister Keleher
came home and started bawling because she found out 2 of her cousins passed away
- one from a heart-attack and the other from an motorcycle accident. I
realized how petty my problems were and felt better trying to comfort
her. Then, later that night my companion opened up to me about things
going on with her family... then did I TRULY REALIZE how petty my problems
were. I realized how grateful I am for my family - my mom and my dad who
love each other and are strong in the gospel. I am close to my
siblings. I truly am so blessed. My setting-apart has truly been
fulfilled which said that many of my companions were not blessed with a family
like mine. I think that part of the reason this has happened is so that I
can learn to love and appreciate my family even more. How blessed I am.
next day, President came to our apartment and interviewed and gave a blessing
to all of us. I love President Mangum soooo much. I am so grateful
that he is my President - he truly loves and ministers to each one of us
missionaries, and he is so consecrated. It is unreal. He gave me
some good advice saying that judgement day is not going to be a popularity
contest and that God's standards are high and they are fixed - they will not
move... no matter how much the world tries to bring them down. As soon as
we take steps closer to God, Satan does everything he can to tear us
down. When we are already being disobedient, he isn't too concerned
because we are already doing a good job of screwing up. But it's when we
truly make leaps and bounds that he gets concerned and starts bringing out his
firearms. He said it is natural to experience persecution and loneliness
when you are trying to come unto Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ himself was
the most perfect and experienced the greatest persecution - even unto
death. If we want to walk in His footsteps, we can only expect to
experience some of the same thing - however small and insignificant it may be
in comparison.
then gave me a blessing which was one of the most epic and spiritual blessings
that I have ever received... Patriarch status. It was incredible.
It completely helped me to see life from the eternal perspective - starting all
the way back to pre-earth life to the goal of exaltation. He said that
every area and companionship that I have had has helped me to learn very
specific lessons. It is as if Heavenly Father created a personalized
tutorial for me in every situation. I can clearly see the different
lessons that I have learned and I can foresee the sort of lessons that I need
to learn and apply in my life here in Sta. Cruz with Sister Maagad. It is
amazing that Heavenly Father truly is so aware of every single one of each of
His children. He loves us so much and He is the one directing His work.
good news is that Aldine passed his baptismal interview! He is so
prepared and he will officially be getting baptized on Mom's
birthday, February 28th. When we conducted the practice interview
with him our jaws dropped at his responses to the questions and the testimony
that he shared. Him and his wife France have such an awesome relationship
and they support each other so much. Whenever France is mad or
frustrated, he is the one who tells her to take a brake and go read the Book of
Mormon. That is how deep his conversion is to that sacred book.
had another small miracle with Jenellene. Do you remember her? 20 years
old, living with a 34-year-old, abused growing up, dropped out of elementary
and doesn't know how to read? Well we had taught her three times and she
wouldn't even peep a sound she was so shy. We were wondering how we would
ever be able to help her towards conversion if she was to stay like
that. On Tuesday, her boyfriend, Raymond, was working and so after
about 10 minutes of convincing, we held her hand and she came with us to teach
her by herself. It was like we pushed a button and she turned into a
chatter-box that wouldn't turn off. She basically only socializes with
her boyfriend, and I think deep inside she really needs a friend and someone to
talk to. It became immediately apparent that she doesn't really know
anything at all - not even the order of the months or the days in the
week. But we taught her a very simple lesson about the Godhead and taught
her how to pray. We asked her about 5 times, "Who do we pray
to?" Every time she answered confidently, "Jesus Christ!"
And then we would explain it to her again. On about the 6th time,
when she finally answered correctly, that we pray to our Father in Heaven,
Sister Maagad and I cheered! Haha we were so excited and I gained a
little bit of patience for all of my elementary teachers growing up. It
was a small miracle. She is so humble and if she continues, I know she
could learn how to read, build faith in Jesus Christ, and even become a powerful
instrument for the Lord. It is just the beginning... just a tiny little
miracle happened when we were planning for a lesson for Connie. Even
though she hasn't drunk coffee for about 2 weeks, Sister Maagad said she felt
like we should ask her when the last time was that she drank coffee. We
went to the lesson, we asked her, and she shyly admitted that she had earlier
that day!! My companion was totally inspired. It's amazing the way the
spirit quietly inspires and guides us to help people to repent and come unto
also had an AMAZING first lesson with Aldine's brother-in-law Raymond. He
had been telling everyone that he is not interested in listening to the
missionaries. Before we went to his house, he told France to not send the
missionaries there. But Sister Maagad and I still felt confident that we
should go and try - his name has continually come into my mind for about 2
weeks now. We went and Sister Maagad went right up to the window,
"woooo hooo!! Hello brother!!! Tao po!!" Haha he couldn't hide from
us now. He let us in and we had a beautiful lesson about temples.
He totally opened up to us and had a change of heart. At the end, he gave
a prayer and asked for forgiveness for never praying. Then in his sincere
prayer, he promised Heavenly Father that he would change, be baptized, and GO
TO THE TEMPLE!! It was awesome. After the lesson, Sister Maagad and I
tried to hide our excitement but we left and celebrated in the street.
Haha so many miracles.
last miracle... Sister Maagad and I went on splits yesterday with members
because we had too many appointments. Apparently she went to teach Adrian
Sosong, and at first he started in his sarcastic, prideful manner. But in
the lesson he all of sudden opened up with all of these questions and finally
admitted that he doesn't know who God is. At the end of the lesson, he
finally accepted the invitation to read the Book of Mormon, and Sister Maagad
said that the defensive, sarcastic face was swept away. Although I wasn't
there, I know this is an answer to our prayers that his heart would be
can't capture all of the miracles that I see and everything that I learn in one
week in this little e-mail, but sufficient to say... this is a miraculous
work. I know that it is real. I believe that Heavenly Father lives
and that He is all-knowing and all-powerful. He loves us more than we can
comprehend. His gospel is perfect. I know that Jesus Christ is His
son and that because both of them love us so much, Jesus Christ atoned for our
sins. Now it's up to us. We have the agency to accept it or
not. I pray that you will do the little things every day in order to
apply His atonement in your life. I know that it is the only way to be
happy and to return to them someday. I love you!!!
Sister Rasmussen
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Sister Japus, Me, Sister Maagad and Elder Alos |
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Sister Japus, Me, Sister Maagad & Elder Alos |